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High Voltage Cable Testing 

The high voltage supply to a given site is often its achilles heel. Excavation works on construction sites can occasionally cause issues when newly laid HV cables get damaged before being energised.  


Equally, High Voltage cables need to be tested for the integrity of their outer sheath. Most DNOs require its integrity to be tested before it is adopted. 


Our vast experience in HV cable testing (pressure testing) and fault investigations, particularly HV sheath fault location helps minimise outages and consequential loss of service.


We are unique in our ability, not only to identify any cable faults, but to carry out rectification works on site, often immediately, and then re-test, to minimise project delays. 

HV Pressure Testing

Pressure testing is a term used for high voltage cable testing. Our engineers test HV cables to the DNO specification from 5-60kV dc or very low frequency (VLF) testing.


Before high voltage cable is adopted as an asset for a DNO/iDNO it must be pressure tested to the correct specification. Appropriate certification is supplied to the client.


HV Cable Fault Location

HV Sheath Fault Location

As most DNOs require a cable's integrity to be tested before it is adopted, testing of the outer sheath is required. This is normally carried out at 5kV DC and if the conductors have any sheath damage then the test will fail.


We are highly experienced in using the required equipment to locate a fault with pin-point accuracy - often where others fail. And to ensure complete client satisfaction we are often able to repair the damage on site, immediately, followed by re-testing, to minimise project delays.


Cable testing will identify that an issue exists but swift fault location and repairs are required to prevent long connection delays.


We use modern fault locating equipment enabling us to deliver a complete service efficiently.

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